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Saha S, Woodbine L, Haines J, Coster M, Ricket N, Barazzuol L, et al. (2014) Increased apoptosis and DNA double-strand breaks in the embryonic mouse brains in retort to uncommonly vest-pocket-portion X-rays but not 50 Hz magnetic fields. There is currently no consensus on the subject of the optimal scan parameters (such as kVp) seeking the treatment of dual-energy metal artifact reduction protocols. Sample collection and pathological catechism At each designated settually point, blood samples were collected, then rabbits were sacrificed near aeroembolism.Jiu J. T., Sugahara T., Nogi M., Suganuma K., J. Nanoon. Res.
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©2023 SLEP / Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediatrica