Recognition to Drs. Ignacio Bergada and Rodolfo Rey

We express our gratitude to Dr. Rodolfo Rey, President of SLEP during 2017-2023, and we acknowledge the important work of Drs. Ignacio Bergadá and Rodolfo Rey in the field of medicine. In this letter, we outline our reasons for honoring them.

Dear Ignacio and Rodolfo:

Serve this letter to send you, on behalf of all our associates, congratulations for the work carried out in the planning, organization and realization of the first Joint Meeting held outside of Europe-USA.
Not only is the responsibility of having held IMPE 2023 in Buenos Aires important, representing all of Latin America, but it must be recognized that the circumstances imposed by the COVID pandemic created highly complex difficulties and represented a challenge that you knew how to solve with intelligence, science, art and mastery.

The academic program was excellent, with speakers representing all regions of the world, and a layout that allowed all comers to attend most events.

The chosen place fully complied with the conditions of hygiene, safety, accessibility, cleanliness, functionality and sobriety, and guaranteed that the work was carried out properly and without technical failures.
The incorporation of postgraduate students through scholarships was a success and was another example of your commitment to excellence and empowerment.

In addition, you managed to create a warm, affectionate, relaxed and productive environment that favored communication among all attendees.

The human, ethical and professional quality that you two showed at all times is commendable, as well as the respect, kindness, support, understanding and flexibility with which you behaved throughout the event.

It is, without a doubt, a task that has set goals that will be difficult to match in the future for other Pediatric Endocrinology groups and that has placed our Society at a level of both academic and human excellence before the eyes of rest of the world.

Our Society is proud to have personalities like you two, who demonstrated the ability to plan, organize and carry out an event of such magnitude, and it will now be everyone's responsibility to continue and fulfill similar tasks.

Dr. Raúl Calzada León
April 3, 2023

Dear Dr. Rodolfo Rey:
At the end of his second term as President of SLEP, it is fair to recognize the work carried out in our Society, which was characterized by:

Create, promote, and maintain a constant motivation among the members of the Society's Board of Directors for the construction of relationships, based on respect and collaborative work for the search of solutions to the problems that arose.

Maintaining a broad vision, strategic thinking and effective communication, based on your great emotional intelligence and ability to identify and solve problems, which allowed you to prioritize needs and always provide constructive criticism, knowing how to delineate the limits between the unnecessary, the useful and essential in different projects.

Your great ability to design appropriate and successful strategic measures, always listening to all contributions, and execute your great organizational capacity to analyze their consequences.

Always be attentive to detect problems in a timely manner and raise them with respect and empathy to the rest of the team.

Know how to delegate tasks and responsibilities to promote the progress of projects, always offering honest, ethical and critical comments, but fully assuming responsibility in setting and solving objectives.

Demonstrate a deep passion for your work, and spread it to the rest of the work team to achieve the mission and vision of our Society.

Invariably behave with legality, honesty, rectitude, loyalty, efficiency and impartiality.

Respect the statutes and regulations, always maintaining equal treatment with all associates, as well as promoting the availability for scientific events, research proposals and scientific dissemination materials.

Leading our Society in times of pandemic, as well as promoting and participating in the organization of the first Joint Meeting outside of Europe-USA, also within these circumstances, are highly important and extraordinarily significant achievements for SLEP, which will have notable positive repercussions in the future.

For all of the above, and in recognition of your work, I would like to praise you as leader of our Society and point out that it has been an honor and a pleasure to have been able to collaborate with you in the last six years.

Dr. Raúl Calzada León
April 3, 2023

©2025 SLEP / Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediatrica