Pediatric Endocrinology Interaction
About this program
This program is meant to stimulate self-study as an adjunct to textbooks. In addition, it will be useful for classical demonstrations or small-scale group discussions.
The program contains various chapters guiding you interactively through the regulation and genetics of growth and puberty. Moreover, it contains 22 clinical cases in which you are invited to solve diagnostic and therapeutic problems related to congenital or acquired disorders of growth and puberty.
The starting point in the core program of the case demonstrations is the complaint and/or request for help of the patient. Following analysis of the complaint and gathering of relevant information, a proposal of the most likely diagnosis and treatment is made. You are encouraged to review etiological factors (pathogenesis, pathophysiology), the natural course of the disease, and new developments. The core program enables you to gain a basic knowledge of the progression of normal growth and puberty, to interpret growth curves, to make a distinction between primary and secondary growth disorders, and to recognize common disorders of growth and puberty (such as Turner syndrome, constitutional short stature, and precocious/delayed puberty).
The advanced modules focus on in-depth background information and provide you with assignments to search the literature (such as Pubmed) for details or updated information relating to the etiology and patho-physiology of disorders described in the core modules. They give descriptions of disorders typically belonging to the pediatric realm (in view of rarity or required expertise), as well as detailed information relating to treatment and background information relating to new developments.
This program has been developed for educational purposes only. We have put much effort into verifying the accuracy of information contained in this program. However, the Erasmus MC accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information presented in this program or the use of this program.
Written informed consent has been obtained for all patients whose pictures appear in this program. The presentation of these pictures is in agreement with the Dutch Data Protection Act.
This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability of the Erasmus MC in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable national law, nor to exclude its liability for matters which may not be excluded under law.
Copyright @2003 Erasmus MC, All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of textual and multimedia information (images, software, etc.) is not allowed without prior permission of Erasmus MC.
Chief editor
Prof Stenvert LS Drop, MD, PhD, Sophia Children?s Hospital/Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Prof HA Delemarre-van de Waal, MD, PhD, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; Prof Stenvert LS Drop, MD, PhD, Sophia Children?s Hospital/Erasmus MC, Rotterdam; Willem Jan M Gerver, MD, PhD, University of Maastricht, Maastricht; Cees Noordam, MD, PhD, University Hospital Nijmegen St Radboud, Nijmegen; Wilma Oostdijk, MD, PhD, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden; Barto J Otten, MD, PhD, University Hospital Nijmegen St Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Ellen Bannink, MD; Robert van Beek, MD; Venje Boonstra, MD; Annemieke Boot, MD, PhD; Gerard Damen, MD; Eiske Dorresteijn, MD; Ingrid Frohn-Mulder, MD; Johan de Jongste MD, PhD, Sophia Children?s Hospital/Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Technical staff
Sofie Benneheij; Mariska Beekhof; Yorick de Groot; Dorien Varin; Marjan van Ledden, medical students, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Michele Belder (graphics and design), Medisch Multimedia, Rotterdam; Remco Nabuurs and Jaap Pijbes (project management & technology), Pijlhove B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Minimum requirements
Screen resolution: 800 x 600 pixels
Operating system: Windows 98, 2000, XP or NT4
Internet browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, Netscape 6
Software: Windows Media player version 6.4, Macromedia Flash player 6.0
Internet connection
Funds provided by Eli Lilly and Company (Indianapolis, USA)
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©2025 SLEP / Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediatrica