
The Growth Hormone Study Module For Paediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency - In The Global Registry For Novel Therapies In Rare Bone & Endocrine Conditions (GloBE-Reg)

The Growth Hormone Study Module For Paediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency – In The Global Registry For Novel Therapies In Rare Bone & Endocrine Conditions (GloBE-Reg)

WP DataTables

GH Scientific Study Group
Experts identified by the GloBE-Reg Steering Committee were invited to form a GH Scientific Study Group (SSG) in early 2022. The SSG has several tasks including advising on the data fields in the GH module, testing and using the GloBE-Reg platform and developing studies that can be performed in the short-term as well as over the longer term. Importantly, the GH SSG has embarked on the development of a recommendation for a core dataset that should be collected in all children receiving rhGH therapy. The SSG also has representation from patient associations as well as experts from the GH Research Society.


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