
Congreso Slep y SMEP

XXIX Latin American Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology

SLEP meeting 2020 Virtual México, November 30th to December,5th 2020. Invitation to the 2020 SLEP Congress Since its founding in 1986, SLEP has had as its main goal, the involvement of professionals interested in pediatric endocrinology in Latin America. The Annual Congress is the SLEP’s primary activity focused on sharing among colleagues and attending lectures […]


Enfermedad por Coronavirus (COVID-19), información para los niños y adolescentes que viven con enfermedades endocrinas

La enfermedad por Coronavirus (COVID-19) es una enfermedad infecciosa. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha declarado a COVID-19 como una pandemia.


11th International Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology

11th International Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology A message from the IMPE 2023 Meeting Chairs November 2020 Firstly, we are deeply aware that medical and scientific professionals across the world are still facing unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We would like to send you our very best wishes at this continuingly testing time and hope that you […]


SEEP 2020

42 Congreso de la SEEP que se celebrará de manera virtual los próximos días 14, 15 y 16 de octubre de 2020

Springer_IMAGE_2020_Flyer_Spanish language_1.0_001

Insights into MAnaging Growth for Endocrine Nurses

Novedades acerca de la reunión virtual IMAGE 2020. 19 de Noviembre 2020


Asamblea SLEP 2019

[:pb]Rodolfo Rey, Secretário General SLEP, convoca: Assembleia Anual 2019 Dia e hora: Sexta-feira 22 de Novembro 2019, 18 hs Local: Açores Espaços de Eventos – Santinho – Florianópolis, Brasil.   Documentos anexos: • Agenda da Assambleia • Anexo 1 (informativo) [:es]Rodolfo Rey, Secretario General SLEP, convoca: Asamblea Anual 2019 Día y hora: Viernes 22 Noviembre 2019, 18 hs Lugar: Açores Espaços […]


Election of SLEP Council and Committee members 2019 – RESULTS!

[:pb] RESULTS link[:es]RESULTS link[:en]RESULTS link[:]


Summer School 2019

Florianopolis, Brazil, November 18th – 20th    Deadline for Applications: July 26h 2019   More information: SLEP Summer School is sponsored by For Candidate Requirements to apply for SLEP Summer School, please click here For filling in your application, please click here


7th I-DSD symposium, Sao Paulo, 4-6 July 2019

Dear Colleague We are delighted to announce the 7th International Symposium of Disorders of Sex Development (I-DSD 2019) which takes place in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 4th-6th July 2019. The outline programme is available on the website ( and registration is now open ( Abstract submission will open on 1st February, closing on 15th March […]



Available free in Spanish for all SLEP members.


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