Due to the circumstance related to COVID-19, the Annual SLEP / SMEP 2020 Congress will be held only as a virtual meeting. Dear SLEP and SMEP members: This year our region, as well as the entire world, has been faced with unprecedented challenges in recent decades due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that […]
La enfermedad por Coronavirus (COVID-19) es una enfermedad infecciosa. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha declarado a COVID-19 como una pandemia.
42 Congreso de la SEEP que se celebrará de manera virtual los próximos días 14, 15 y 16 de octubre de 2020
GPED (Global Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes) has the mission to improve the care of children living in low and middle income countries presenting with endocrine disorders or with diabetes through public advocacy, training and education of local health professionals, clinical collaborations and development of translational clinical research. See books for health professionals and families in […]
News about the IMAGE 2020 virtual meeting. November 19, 2020
Dear Colleague We are delighted to announce the 7th International Symposium of Disorders of Sex Development (I-DSD 2019) which takes place in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 4th-6th July 2019. The outline programme is available on the website (https://home.i-cah.org/i-dsd-symposium-2019/) and registration is now open (https://idsd2019.eventbrite.co.uk/) Abstract submission will open on 1st February, closing on 15th March […]
[:pb] RESULTS link[:es]RESULTS link[:en]RESULTS link[:]
[:pb]Rodolfo Rey, Secretário General SLEP, convoca: Assembleia Anual 2019 Dia e hora: Sexta-feira 22 de Novembro 2019, 18 hs Local: Açores Espaços de Eventos – Santinho – Florianópolis, Brasil. Documentos anexos: • Agenda da Assambleia • Anexo 1 (informativo) [:es]Rodolfo Rey, Secretario General SLEP, convoca: Asamblea Anual 2019 Día y hora: Viernes 22 Noviembre 2019, 18 hs Lugar: Açores Espaços […]
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