
Paediatric Formulation Gap Survey


Paediatric Formulation Gap Survey Dear Colleague, The WHO has initiated a comprehensive gap analysis of the most needed medicines for children in view of its upcoming review of the Essential Medicines List for children (EMLc). To date, the WHO Model EMLc has included 336 essential medicines, which patients should have immediate access to at all times and in all […]

ICCBH Virtual Forum


ICCBH Virtual Forum Download program

SLEP/SMEP Congress 2020 Grant Apllication


ESPE – European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology


ESPE European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology ESPE Connect Online is taking place 6-14 November 2020. Over this time, registered viewers can access 9 days of the very best paediatric endocrine science from leaders in the field. The specially developed programme comprises of Symposia, How Do I…, Personal Opinion Future Research, Yearbook Sessions, the latest Hot […]

Course Post-Congress 2020 


7-18 december 2020 Dra. Patricia Medina Bravo (Mexico) Dra. Patricia Medina Bravo Attending physician. Endocrinology Department. Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez. Member of the National Research System. Associate porfessor. Pediatric endocrinology fellowship and Pediatric Diabetes fellowship. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). See more RonRosenfeld (USA) Ron Rosenfeld Dr. Rosenfeld received his B.A., summa cum […]

IMPE and SLEP Meeting 2021


Since 1987, ESPE (Europe) and PES (North America) alternated the organization of the “Joint Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology” every 4 years. In 2015, the International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology (ICPE) was created, made up of 13 societies of Pediatric Endocrinology. In addition to ESPE and PES: APEG (Australia/New Zealand), APPES (Asia-Pacific), ASPAE (Africa), ASPED (Arab […]

11th International Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology


11th International Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology A message from the IMPE 2023 Meeting Chairs November 2020 Firstly, we are deeply aware that medical and scientific professionals across the world are still facing unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We would like to send you our very best wishes at this continuingly testing time and hope that you […]

Congreso SLEP 2021


©2025 SLEP / Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediatrica