10th I-DSD Webinar 2023

10th I-DSD Webinar 2023

10th I-DSD Webinar 2023 The 10th I-DSD Symposium will be held as a webinar on Thursday 6th – Friday 7th July 2023. The meeting is free to attend. The programme is available on the website EACCME® accreditation has been applied for. After the meeting please complete the feedback survey to obtain a EACCME CPD certificate. […]


Recognition to Drs. Ignacio Bergada and Rodolfo Rey

We express our gratitude to Dr. Rodolfo Rey, President of SLEP during 2017-2023, and we acknowledge the important work of Drs. Ignacio Bergadá and Rodolfo Rey in the field of medicine. In this letter, we outline our reasons for honoring them.

Autoridades 2023-2025


Desde el 1 al 15 de febrero de 2023 se podrá votar para elegir las autoridades SLEP 2023-2025, el sistema de votación será secreto y los postulantes son los siguientes:



The Growth Hormone Study Module For Paediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency – In The Global Registry For Novel Therapies In Rare Bone & Endocrine Conditions (GloBE-Reg)


Applications for 2023 are now open : 2023 Global Fellows Program in Pediatric Endocrinology

The aims of the Global Fellows Program 2023 are to provide up-to-date teaching in selected areas, practice critical thinking skills, offer the opportunity to present cases to faculty and peers, promote discussions and networking between younger and more senior physicians, and develop the next leaders in pediatric endocrinology. This program is being assembled by a […]


Course Post-Congress 2020 

7-18 december 2020 Dra. Patricia Medina Bravo (Mexico) Dra. Patricia Medina Bravo Attending physician. Endocrinology Department. Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez. Member of the National Research System. Associate porfessor. Pediatric endocrinology fellowship and Pediatric Diabetes fellowship. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). See more RonRosenfeld (USA) Ron Rosenfeld Dr. Rosenfeld received his B.A., summa cum […]

Summer School 2020

Summer School 2020


Congreso SLEP 2021


Enfermedad por Coronavirus (COVID-19), información para los niños y adolescentes que viven con enfermedades endocrinas

La enfermedad por Coronavirus (COVID-19) es una enfermedad infecciosa. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha declarado a COVID-19 como una pandemia.


SEEP 2020

42 Congreso de la SEEP que se celebrará de manera virtual los próximos días 14, 15 y 16 de octubre de 2020


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©2025 SLEP / Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediatrica