Artículos Publicados por los Socios en el período 2008-2009

SLEP ARGENTINA Belgorosky et al Berensztein E, Baquedano M.S., Pepe C.M., Costanzo M, Saraco N.I., Ponzio R, Rivarola M.A., Belgorosky A. Role of IGFs and insulin in the human testis during postnatal activation: Differentiation of Steroidogenic cells. Pediatric Research 63,6:662-6, 2008. International Pediatric Research Foundation. INS 0031-3998 Belgorosky A, Baquedano MS, Guercio G, Rivarola MA […]


Belgorosky et al

  • Berensztein E, Baquedano M.S., Pepe C.M., Costanzo M, Saraco N.I., Ponzio R, Rivarola M.A., Belgorosky A. Role of IGFs and insulin in the human testis during postnatal activation: Differentiation of Steroidogenic cells. Pediatric Research 63,6:662-6, 2008. International Pediatric Research Foundation. INS 0031-3998
  • Belgorosky A, Baquedano MS, Guercio G, Rivarola MA Expression of the IGF and the aromatase/estrogen receptor systems in human adrenal tissues from early infancy to late puberty: implications for the development of adrenarche. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2009 Mar;10(1):51-61. 2008. Springer Netherlands. ISSN: 1389-9155
  • Belgorosky A, Baquedano MS, Guercio G, Rivarola MA. Adrenarche: Post natal adrenal zonation and hormonal and metabolic regulation. Hormone Research 2008;70(5):257-67. S. Karger AG, Basel. ISSN 0301?0163
  • Di Palma MI, Costanzo M, Guercio G, Rivarola MA, Belgorosky A. Emergencias endócrinas en el manejo de los minerales: calcio, fósforo y magnesio. Revista Salud Cardiometabólica Endocrinología y Nutrición (Sucre, Bolivia)1;2:2-13,2008
  • Guercio G, Costanzo M, Belgorosky A, Rivarola MA. El recién nacido con anomalías genitales. Revista Salud Cardiometabólica Endocrinología y Nutrición (Sucre, Bolivia)1;2:44-53, 2008
  • Costanzo M, Guercio G, Rivarola MA, Belgorosky A.Insuficiencia adrenal en la edad pediátrica. Revista Salud Cardiometabólica Endocrinología y Nutrición (Sucre, Bolivia)1;2: 54-64,2008
  • Guercio G, Rivarola MA, Chaler E, Maceiras M, Belgorosky A. Hydrocortisone treatment in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia inhibits serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and affects the GH-IGF-I system.J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Mar;22(3):255-61. The Endocrine Society, Chevy Chase. ISSN: 0021-972X.



Ropelato et al

  • Ballerini MG, Ropelato MG. Revisión: El receptor de la hormona de crecimiento humana (hGH) y la proteína de transporte de alta afinidad. RAEM 2008; 45: 28-46.
  • Ropelato MG. Revisión: Alteraciones Neuroendocrinas del síndrome de Poliquistosis Ovárica en la adolescencia. RAEM 2008; 45:89-111.
  • Bergadá I, Andreone L, Bedecarrás P, Ropelato MG, Copelli S, Laissue P, Rey R, Campo S. Seminiferous tubule function in delayed-onset X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita associated with incomplete hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Clin Endocrinol 2008; 68: 240-246.
  • Ballerini MG, Domene H, Scaglia P, Bengolea SV, Pipman V, Martínez A, Keselman A, Heinrich JJ, Jasper HG, Ropelato MG. Indices de insulinosensibilidad e insulinoresistencia en niños y adolescentes normales. Rev Hosp. Niños Baires 2008; 50:179-187.



Roberto Lanes

  • Lanes R. Cardiovascular risk in growth hormone deficiency. Changes detected with replacement therapy. Endopedonline, Number 13, May 2007, article requested by the editor.
  • Roberto Lanes, Henry Marcano, Omar Villaroel, Edgar Moriilo, Peter Gunczler, Mariela Paoli, Marvelys Perez, Nora Maulino and Anselmo Palacios. Circulating levels of highly sensitive C-reactive protein and soluble markers of vascular cell activation in growth hormone deficiency. Hormone Research 70:230-235,2008.
  • Molina Albarracin S, Paoli M, Camacho N, Arata-Bellabarba G and Lanes R. Is testosterone and estrogen priming useful in the evaluation of the growth hormone status of short peripubertal children ? Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 21:257-266,2008.
  • Zaira Quijada, Mariela Paoli, Yajaira Zerpa, Nolis Camacho, Rosana Cicchiatti, Vanessa Villaroel, Gabriela Arata-Bellabarba and Roberto Lanes. The triglyceride/HDL-cholesterol ratio (Tg/HDL-C) as a marker of cardiovascular risk in obese children: association with traditional and emergent risk factors. Pediatric Diabetes 9:464-471,2008.
  • Lanes, Roberto. Endothelial dysfuction in growth hormone deficiency. Commentary requested by the editor. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 21:319-321,2008.
  • Lanes, Roberto. Metabolic abnormalities in growth hormone deficiency. Review article requested by the editor. Revista Argentina de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo 45:214-223, 2008.
  • Alvarez-Nava F, Lanes R, Marcano H, Pardo T, Zabala W, Quintero JM, Paoli M, Gunczler P, Mendez K, Solis E, Villalobos J, Soto, M, Perez M y Maulino N. Distribucion de la frecuencias alelicas y genotipicas del polimorfismo GHRD3 en pacientes Venezolanos con talla baja. Revista de la Sociedad venezolana de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo, 2009.



Dra. Ethel Codner

  • Codner E, Cassorla F. Puberty and Ovarian Function in Girls with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Horm Res 2008;71:12-21.
  • Codner E, Roman R. Premature thelarche from phenotype to genotype. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2008;5:760-5.
  • Conwell LS, Codner E. Diabetes in motion in the year of the child. Pediatr Diabetes 2008;9:3-8.
  • Codner E, Rocha A, Deng Martinez-Aguayo A, Godoy C, Mericq V, Cheng WK – Mild fasting hyperglycemia in children: high rate of glucokinase mutations and some risk of developing type 1 diabetes mellitus. Ped Diabetes 2009 Feb 27 Epub
  • Codner E. Estrogen and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2008;6:228-234.
  • Garcia H, Arteche I, Mericq V, Codner E, Avila A, Henriquez C, Eggers M, Cortínez A, Salazar T, Carvallo P, Roman R, Ugarte F, Iñiguez G, Beas F, Cassorla F. Somatotrophic deficiency in children. Report of 75 cases. Rev Chil Endocrinol Diabetes 2008;1:7-16.
  • Lopez T, Garcia D, Angel B, Carrasco E, Codner E, Ugarte F, Perez-Bravo F. Association between Fok I vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphism and plasmatic concentrations of transforming growth factor-beta1 and interferon gamma in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Med Clin (Barc) 2008;130:81-84.
  • Rafiq M, Flanagan SE, Patch A-M, Shields BM, Ellard S, Hattersley AT, The Neonatal Diabetes International Collaborative Group. Effective Treatment With Oral Sulfonylureas in Patients With Diabetes Due to Sulfonylurea Receptor 1 (SUR1) Mutations. Diabetes Care 2008;31:204-209 (Autor as a member of ?The Neonatal Diabetes International Collaborative Group?).
  • Recabarren SE, Smith R, Rios R, Maliqueo M, Echiburu B, Codner E, Cassorla F, Rojas P, Sir-Petermann T. Metabolic profile in sons of women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008;93:1820-6.
  • Sir-Petermann T, Codner E, Perez V, Echiburu B, Maliqueo M, Ladron de Guevara A, Preisler J, Crisosto N, Sanchez F, Cassorla F, Bhasin S. Metabolic and Reproductive Features Before and During Puberty in Daughters of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2009.
  • Lammoglia J, Unanue N, Sacaquirin D, Peña V, Codner E. Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus due to paternal duplication 6q24. Rev Chil Endocrinol Diabetes 2008;1:24-28.


Verónica Mericq

  • Aníbal Espinoza g, Marcela Reyes j, Francisco Moraga , M. Jesús Rebollo g, Verónica Mericq, Carlos Castillo Mediciones ultrasonograficas y de tomografia computada de adiposidad y alteraciones metabolicas asociadas a obesidad en niños. d. revista chilena de radiología. vol. 12 nº 4 , año 2006; 172-176
  • Espinosa C, Sjoberg M, Salazar T, Rodriguez A, Cassorla FG, Mericq MV, Carvallo P E180splice mutation in the growth hormone receptor gene in a chilean family with growth hormone insensitivity: a probable common Mediterranean ancestor J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Dec;21(12):1119-27
  • Hernández MI, Mericq V. Impact of being born small for gestational age on onset and progression of puberty . Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jun;22(3):463-76. Review.
  • Hernandez MI, Mericq MV Pubertal development in girls born small for gestational age J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Mar;21(3):201-8. Review.
  • Horvath A., Mericq V, Stratakis CA. Mutation in PDE8B, a cyclic AMP-specific phosphodiesterase in adrenal hyperplasia.N Engl J Med. 2008 Feb 14;358(7):750-2
  • Juan Javier Lammoglia h., María Isabel Hernández c.,Nancy Unanue , Rossana Román , Jorge Villanueva , Alejandra Avila , Verónica Mericq , Ethel Codner, Fernando Cassorla Presentación y evolución de dos casos de insulinoma Rev Chil Pediatr 2008; 79 (2): 181-185 2008
  • Lammoglia JJ, Eyzaguirre F, Unanue N, Román R, Codner E, Cassorla F, Mericq V Congenital hypopituitarism : report of 23 cases. Rev Med Chil. 2008 Aug;136(8):996-1006. Epub 2008 Oct 7. Spanish
  • Lammoglia JJ, Mericq V Tumoral calcinosis caused by a novel fgf23 mutation: response to induction of tubular renal acidosis with acetazolamide and the non calcium phosphate binder sevelamer. Horm Res. 2009;71(3):178-84.
  • A Martinez,K Rumié, H. Poggi, H. Grcía, V. Mericq, E Arteaga, JM López, C. Campuzano, G. Gonzalez, C. Fardella, P Villaseca, A. Cattani Hiperplasia suprarenal no clásica, características clínicas y genéticas.” Rev Chil Endocrinol Diab 2008: 1(2); 92-97
  • Verónica Mericq ,Germán Iñíguez , Alejandro Martínez, Alejandra Avila, , M Isabel Hernández , Teresa Capurro , Teresa Salazar, Bárbara Angel ,Francisco Pérez-Bravo -The ala54thr polymorphism of the fatty acid-binding protein 2 gene ( the intestinal-type fabp) is associated with changes in insulin sensitivity in sga pubertal girls , Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism,. 2008 Feb;21(2):117-25
  • Mericq V, Lammoglia JJ, Unanue N, Villaroel C, Hernandez MI, Avila A, Iñiguez G, Klein K Comparison of three doses of leuprolide acetate in the treatment of central precocious puberty: preliminary results. 2009 Mar 19 (OxF). Epub
  • Uauy R, Kain J, Mericq V, Rojas J, Corvalán C. Nutrition, child growth, and chronic disease prevention. Ann Med. 2008;40(1):11-20


Dra Rossana Roman

  • Flores JC, Eyzaguirre F, García G, Tapia J, Vega V, Cosentino M, Silva R, Román R y García H. Evaluación de un programa integral de tratamiento de obesidad y sobrepeso en niños escolares y adolescentes en Santiago de Chile (1999-2006). Rev. chil. endocrinol.diabetes 2009; 1:33-36
  • García H, V Mericq, Román R, E Codner, F Ugarte, F Cassorla, I Arteche, A Avila, G Iniguez, T Salazar, F Beas. Deficiencia somatotrófica en niños, características clínicas y bioquímicas según etiología en 75 casos. Rev Chil Endocrinol Diabetes 1(1) 7-16, 2008.
  • Román R, Iñiguez G, Salazar T, Avila A, Barrera A, Mericq V, Attie KM, Cassorla F. Relationship between insulin sensitivity and IGF-I sensitivity in low birth weight prepubertal children. Horm Res. 2008;70(2):73-8
  • Zeitler Philip, Roman Rossana. Oral glucose tolerance testing in asymptomatic obese children – more questions than answers. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Nov;93(11):4228-30.



  • Artigas RA, Gonzalez A, Riquelme E, Carvajal CA, Cattani A, Martínez-Aguayo A,Kalergis AM, Pérez-Acle T, Fardella CE. A novel adrenocorticotropin receptor mutation alters its structure and function, causing familial glucocorticoid deficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Aug;93(8):3097-105.
  • Delucchi A, Dinamarca H, Gainza H, Whitttle C, Torrealba I, Iñiguez G. Carotid intima-media thickness as a cardiovascular risk marker in pediatric end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis and in renal transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2008 Nov;40(9):3244-6.
  • Hernández MI, Cohen P Surprising new height regulating genes: beyond growth hormone and IGF-I.. Pediatr Res. 2008 ;64(5):461.
  • Hoftman AC, Hernandez MI, Lee KW, Stiehm ER.Newborn illnesses caused by transplacental antibodies. Adv Pediatr. 2008;55:271-304.
  • Iñiguez G, Ormazabal P, López T, Maldonado D, Avila A, Román R, Cassorla F IGF-IR/ERK content and response to IGF-I and insulin in adipocytes from small for gestational age children. Growth Horm IGF Res. 2009 Feb 12. [Epub ahead of print.)
  • Iniguez G, Torrealba IM, Avila A, Cassorla F, Codner E. Adiponectin Serum Levels and Their Relationships to Androgen Concentrations and Ovarian Volume during Puberty in Girls with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Horm Res 2008;70:112-117.
  • Rocha-Ruiz A, Beltrán C, Harris PR, Orellana P, García C, Martínez-Aguayo A.[Disphagia caused by a lingual thyroid: report of one case] Rev Med Chil. 2008 Jan;136(1):83-7.



Tânia Bachega

  • Gomes LG, Huang N, Agrawal V, Mendonça BB, Bachega TA, Miller WL. Extraadrenal 21-hydroxylation by CYP2C19 and CYP3A4: effect on 21-hydroxylase deficiency.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Jan;94(1):89-95.
  • Gomes LG, Huang N, Agrawal V, Mendonça BB, Bachega TA, Miller WL. The common P450 oxidoreductase variant A503V is not a modifier gene for 21-hydroxylase deficiency.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jul;93(7):2913-6.
  • Rocha RO, Billerbeck AE, Pinto EM, Melo KF, Lin CJ, Longui CA, Mendonca BB, Bachega TA.The degree of external genitalia virilization in girls with 21-hydroxylase deficiency appears to be influenced by the CAG repeats in the androgen receptor gene. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2008 Feb;68(2):226-32.
  • Silveira EL, dos Santos EP, Bachega TA, van der Linden Nader I, Gross JL, Elnecave RH.The actual incidence of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Brazil may not be as high as inferred–an estimate based on a public neonatal screening program in the state of Goiás.J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2008 May;21(5):455-60.


Marilia Guimaraes

  • BESERRA, Izabel Calland Ricarte, GUIMARAES, M. M. Síndrome de Silver Russell Revisão: Características clínicas, genéticas e tratamento com GH. GALLICCHIO, Carla Tavares, ALVES, Solange Travassos Figueredo, GUIMARAES, M. M.Indução da puberdade e terapia de reposição hormonal na Síndrome de Turner. Femina (Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstétrícia). , v.36, p.673 – 677, 2008.
  • GUIMARAES, M. M. Triagem Neonatal – Manual de Rotinas. Rio de Janeiro:Rúbio, 1ª Ed. 2008, Prefácio. VAISMAN, Mario, CONCEIÇÃO, Flávia Lúcia, Neto LV, BUESCU, Alexandru, VIOLANTE, Alice Helena Dutra, FARIAS, M. L. F., GUIMARAES, M. M., GADELHA, Monica Roberto ROTINAS DIAGNOSTICAS E TERAPEUTICAS. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro Atheneu, 2008, v.1. p.427.
  • RIBEIRO, Marcia Gonçalves, Barros DAS, Paiva IP, RAYOL, M. A., BESERRA, Izabel Calland Ricarte, GUIMARAES, M. M. Pubertal Development of a MPS VI Maroteaux-Lamy Patient on enzyme replacement therapy In: 13th International Congress of Endocrinology, 2008, Rio de Janeiro. International Proceedings. Bologna: Medimond, 2008. v.1. p.295 – 299



  • De OLIVEIRA, J.C., SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A., SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M., BELANGERO, V.M.S., GUERRA-JUNIOR, G. Short Stature in Chronic Kidney Disease: Physiopathology and Treatment with Growth Hormone. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab 2008; 52: 783-791. (MedLine) [Portuguese]
  • GUERRA-JUNIOR, G., MACIEL-GUERRA, A.T., BALDIN, A.D., SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A., SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M. Turner Syndrome and Insulin Resistance: Reviewing this Complex Association. In: E. B. Yao, editors. Insulin Resistance: New Research. 1st ed. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc; 2009 1st quarter. [announcing]
  • GUERRA-JUNIOR, G., SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M., SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A., NOGUEIRA, R.G., LEMOS-MARINI, S. H. V., D´SOUZA-LI, L. F., Da SILVA, P.C., FRANCA, E. S. S., SOARDI, F. C., De MELLO, M. P. Absence of Mutations in PAX6 Protein in Three Cases of Morning Glory Syndrome Associated with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab 2008; 52: 1221 – 1227. (MedLine)
  • MINOTTO, I., ABDALA, N., MIACHON, A.A.S., SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M., IMAMURA, P., NOGUEIRA, R.G. Basal Encephalocele Associated with Morning Glory Syndrome: Case Report. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2007; 65: 988 – 991. (MedLine)
  • SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A., SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M., TOSTA-HERNANDEZ, P.D.C., LEE, M.L., PETRILLI, A. S. Leptin Assessment in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Survivors: Role of Cranial Radiotherapy? J Ped Hematol/Oncol 2007; 29: 776 – 782. (MedLine)
  • SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A., SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M., GUERRA-JUNIOR, G. Detection of Metabolic Syndrome Features Among Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Target to Prevent Disease. Vasc Health Risk Manag 2008; 4: 825 – 836. (MedLine)
  • SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A., SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M. GUERRA-JUNIOR, G. Adiposity in Childhood Cancer Survivors: Insights Into Obesity Physiopathology. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab 2009; 53: 190-200. (MedLine)
  • SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M., SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A., GUERRA-JUNIOR, G., GELONEZE B. Insulin Resistance in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Link Between Metabolic Syndrome Features. In: E. B. Yao, editors. Insulin Resistance: New Research. 1st ed. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc; 2009 1st quarter. [announcing]
  • SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M., SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A., Da SILVA, M.T.N., GUERRA-JUNIOR, G. The Use of Growth Hormone to Treat Endocrine-Metabolic Disturbances in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Patients. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab 2008; 52: 818-832. (MedLine) [Portuguese]
  • SPINOLA-CASTRO, A.M., SACONATO, H. S., SIVIERO-MIACHON, A. A. Luteinising Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH) Analogues for Children or Adolescents with Early Puberty, Idiopathic Short Stature or Growth Hormone Deficiency. (Protocol). Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 1: CD006970, 2008.

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