




The Final Submission Deadline is Tuesday-August 30th, 2022.
All abstracts for SLEP Congress 2022 must be submitted electronically through the abstract submission system. Abstracts cannot be submitted by fax, hard copy, or e-mail.


You can submit your abstract without being registered. However, the presenting author must already be registered at the time the paper is presented at the conference.


All the Oral Presentations and the best Posters will be published at Hormone Research in Paediatrics (special edition).


There are no restrictions on the number of papers you can submit or the number of papers you may present.


- Abstracts must be written in English.
- The files for Oral Presentations and Posters (e.g. Power Point) must be written in English.
- The Oral and Poster Presentations during the congress can be in any of the 3 official languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish) at the presenter’s choice.
Only Oral Presentations in English will be considered for Awards.

6. STRUCTURE: your submission must be structured following one of the following options:

- Abstract: title (must be concise and reflect the study to be presented), Introduction, Objective,
Methods, Results and Conclusion.
- Clinical Case: Case Presentation, Discussion, Final comments.

7. TEXT:

There is a limit of 2500 characters (350 words approx.) including blank spaces and punctuation. The system will not allow you to “finish” the submission if the limit is exceeded.
Acknowledgments and financial support are not mandatory but may be included at the end of the abstract. If they are included, they will be counted in the character count of the abstract.

Tables and images are not allowed.
Bibliographic references must not be included in the Abstract.
Keywords are allowed, 3 maximum.

Results based on statements such as: “results will be presented” and/or “data will be analyzed” will not be considered for evaluation. Results should be stated as clearly as possible, and conclusions should be based on the data presented. The works will only be evaluated if they are in correct English.

8. Follow the instructions on the screen to access the abstract submission form. Fill in all fields of the online form.


You will be asked to select a preferred Presentation format (Oral or Poster) and the appropriate Topic and Research Type from the options below. However, please note that the Organizing Committee may need to change the presentation format (from oral to poster, but not from poster to oral):

» Adrenal
» Bone metabolism and vitamin D
» Diabetes and hypoglycemia
» Endocrine Neoplasia
» Gonads, Puberty and DSD
» Growth
» Obesity and Lipid Metabolism
» Pituitary/hypothalamus
» Thyroid
» Other


There is no limit of authors per submission. Please enter all authors in the order they should appear in the heading of the abstract.
It is the author's responsibility to submit the correct full names of the other co-authors that will be reproduced in the certificate as typed in the submission (in the case of acceptance).
Acknowledgement of receipt of the submission will be sent to the stated e-mail address.
The contact author will receive all correspondence concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing co-authors of the status of the abstract.


Carefully check your abstract before completing your submission. Make sure all special characters and formatting are displaying properly in your proof. If you find errors, return to the appropriate page to make your corrections.
It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Typing, grammatical, or scientific information errors will be reproduced as submitted by the author.


You may enter with your username and password to edit your work as many times as you wish while the work is in OPEN status and before the submission deadline. At the end of your edition, you must click on FINISH WORK to be considered for evaluation and from that moment you will no longer be able to edit it.

It will NOT be possible to make changes in the title, abstract or authors after the deadline for submission. We emphasize that the information provided is the sole responsibility of the author who submits the abstract.

Once the submission is finished, the responsible will receive an automatic confirmation email. If you don't receive it, please enter again and ensure your submission.

By submitting papers, the authors assume compliance with the laws and ethical standards governing research with humans and animals, including approval by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee or the Animal Research Ethics Committee.


To preserve the peer review process, do not include any identifying information (e.g., institution or author names) in the body of your abstract.

14. NOTIFICATIONS: will be emailed by September 22nd, 2022.

The Evaluation Committee decision will be irrevocable and there will not be evaluation revisions.


Only one certificate per abstract will be issued and will include the authors in the order of the submission.


During the Closing Ceremony, the following awards will be given:

• Hormone Research in Paediatrics Award: best oral presentation
• SLEP Oral Award: second best oral presentation
• SLEP Poster Award: best poster presentation


If you have any difficulty with the submission process, please contact


Accepted abstracts will be kept under guard from the moment of presentation and until the end of the presentation at the SLEP 2022 Congress, but the Congress authorities reserve the right to adjust the set hold time.

19. The Organizing Committee will select those abstracts that will be published in a supplement issue of Hormone Research in Paediatrics.


©2024 SLEP / Latin American Society for Pediatric Endocrinology