7th I-DSD symposium

Sao Paulo, 4-6 July 2019

Dear Colleague

We are delighted to announce the 7th International Symposium of Disorders of Sex Development (I-DSD 2019) which takes place in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 4th-6th July 2019.

The outline programme is available on the website (https://home.i-cah.org/i-dsd-symposium-2019/) and registration is now open (https://idsd2019.eventbrite.co.uk/)

Abstract submission will open on 1st February, closing on 15th March 2019.  A link will be provided on the website.

We look forward to welcoming you in Sao Paulo!

Kind regards

The I-DSD/I-CAH Project Management Team

7th International DSD Symposium
4 – 6th July 2019, Sao Paulo



I-DSD symposium – Travel grants

SLEP will give 5 Travel grants of 800 US dollars each to young SLEP members (up to 40 years-old as of 30 June 2019) willing to attend the I-DSD symposium.

BEFORE 20th April 2019, please send an e-mail with your CV (1 page) to:

Secretary.general@slep-endocrino.regionglobal.com and tresurer@slep-endocrino.regionglobal.com

©2025 SLEP / Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinología Pediatrica